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Leonora del Rio

Opera singer

Vocal coach

Portrait Ian Sidden, Styling Svenja Olbrisch

Portraits by Ian Sidden, Styling by Svenja Olbrisch


I was able to turn both passions into a career.

Hello, I'm Leonora del Rio. A soprano in the youth dramatic field with 25 years of stage history. My parallel passion is teaching singing. For me, conveying my music is just as important as conveying a healthy and, above all, accessible singing technique. When I sing myself, I am responsible for myself. When I teach, I take responsibility for my students, and I love this profession as much as singing on stage.

Mitglied im Bundesverband deutscher Gesangspädagogen

By the way...

The coaching offer is available online and is aimed at individuals. For personal coaching, please write to me using the contact form. 

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